Beck Snyder—
Copywriter, proofreader, editor, author. If you’re looking for good words, I’ve got your back.
Hello! If you’ve stumbled across this website, then congrats on finding one of my many little corners of the internet. There are many like it, but this one is teal and carries a slightly more professional air than all the others (at least, that’s what it’s meant to do. Whether or not it succeeds is entirely up to you.)
My name is Beck Snyder, and I am a self-proclaimed writer and an others-proclaimed copywriter, proofreader, and all-around editor. To put it simply, if you need good words or you have good words that need to become great words, I’m your person.
The Professional Stuff
I’ve been writing creatively since the fourth grade, and held a passion for it ever since. After attending Barbara Ingram School for the Arts under their creative writing discipline and continuing to study English at Towson University (also under their creative writing track - I am a bit predictable when it comes to this), I have a combined total of eight years of creative writing experience in the classroom in just about every genre you can think of. Whether it be poetry or prose, fiction or nonfiction, drama or reviews, you name it, I’ve written it. And possibly cried over it. Sestinas are rough.
I’ve also had the pleasure of working with Yellow Arrow Publishing since August of 2022, first as their program management intern and then continuing on as an Editorial Associate, where I worked with them to assist in the selection, copyediting, and proofreading process for their biannual journal, the Yellow Arrow Journal. They also helped me to expand my writing skillset through learning how to write for social media posts, emails, and their monthly newsletter, which basically means that not only can I bend words to my will creatively, I can also do it administratively. That’s right. I’m multi-talented.
Currently, I’m based in a tiny town no one’s ever heard of called Clear Spring, Maryland, but once I get my footing in this crazy thing called the publishing industry, that’s subject to change. Perhaps you, person reading this website, will be the one to give me the job that changes everything. Think about it. You could be the chapter in the autobiography where it all turns around.
All words on this site are my words. All other works mentioned on this site are mentioned here with explicit permission from their publishers and authors. Essentially, I don’t steal words and you shouldn’t either. Looking directly at you, sinister AI.